Services Overview

Temperature Control

Wake Forest University Charlotte Center is equipped with approximately 500 heat pumps, which supplies heating and cooling to the floors.  These heat pumps are controlled by a centralized building automation system.  The normal temperature settings for the building are:

  • Cooling mode is set at 75 degrees
  • Heating mode is set at 72 degrees

Loading Dock Area

The loading dock is only accessible from the 5th Street side of the building has a clearance of thirteen feet, three inches (13' 3") and has five bays for loading/unloading.  WFUCC has two service elevators located by the Dockmaster's Office at the rear of the building.

All delivery personnel and vendors must check in with the Dockmaster's office for building access.  Procedures are in place for building access.  Please contact security at 704-790-6540 for further information and prior to any deliveries or pick-ups.

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